Re-imagining conversations in science
a pan-Canadian working cluster for spatial & single cell multi-omics analyses
Re-imagining conversations in science
A Vision
Our Events
The PANORAMIC Chapters
Click on each link to learn more about our chapter, to watch our recorded events and download available resources
Our chapters
PANORAMICS wanted to re-imagine the way seminars and tutorials were conducted. We wanted to create an avenue that would encourage the 'creator' within you and allow unique ways of presentation, to motivate bringing forward debate worthy topics as well as presentation of negative data and more.
Therefore, all our events fall into one of these 3 categories described on the right to encourage the individual or team to feel free to compose their story in their own fashion and share with others in their own style and to encourage healthy debate and exchange of ideas.
Our chapters
PANORAMICS wanted to re-imagine the way seminars and tutorials were conducted. We wanted to create an avenue that would encourage the 'creator' within you and allow unique ways of presentation, to motivate bringing forward debate worthy topics as well as presentation of negative data and more.
Therefore, all our events fall into one of these 3 categories described on the right to encourage the individual or team to feel free to compose their story in their own fashion and share with others in their own style and to encourage healthy debate and exchange of ideas.
The "enlighten me" series comprises of tutorials and workshops which strive to educate and lead to knowledge acquisition. This series will thus also include discussion and seminar series which focuses on enriching the knowledge of the participant.
The "challenge me" series comprises of all events that deviates from mainstream basic knowledge and which encourages participants towards a paradigm shift in their thoughts or encourages them to explore non-traditional methods and analysis. This also includes debating against established "norms" in a healthy way.
The "inspire me" series will comprise predominantly of talks by invited speakers to share with the community their research as well as their scientific experiences and struggles. Speakers are also encouraged to share their vision and any deviations in their scientific path and how this enabled them to contribute to science in meaningful manners. This series will serve to inspire the 'creator' in each scientist and to encourage them along the way.
"Enlighten-me" chapter
Panoramics Tutorial-Lecture Series, Summer 2023
During the summer of 2023, we put together a series of tutorial-lecture series that were planned to enlighten participants with the basic to intermediate concepts as well as challenging topics for those eager to advance beyond.
All events in this series came with a lecture component. However, some of them had an additional hands-on or tutorial component as well.
In addition, PANORAMICS has shared resources for the participant to explore further in addition to these sessions, where possible.
"Challenge-me" chapter
Non-traditional applications of Spatial & Single Cell Technologies
This category houses all talks devoted to how spatial and single cell technologies are used to study non-healthcare related topics such as insect biology, ecology and other environmental, ecological and natural phenomena. The purpose is to raise awareness of current work and method development in the spatial and single cell domains outside of conventional or popular topics or development.
Brainstorming, diversity, inclusivity, equity & open science
Diversity, ancestry, equity and data distribution & sharing are foundational to growing science and allow scientific intelligence to be a derivative of representation and inclusivity.
But representation for the sake of it does no service to science. These episodes in our thematic series hopes to discuss and review how spatial and single cell analysis and technological developments in this areas.