Re-imagining conversations in science
a pan-Canadian working cluster for spatial & single cell multi-omics analyses

About panoramics
Re-imagining conversations in science

Panoramics offers a vision for a pan-Canadian collaborative working cluster for spatial and single cell multi-omics technologies & projects. Panoramics promotes dialogues that will inspire, challenge and enlighten the scientist in you. Here, open dialogues are encouraged, where groundbreaking positive and negative data are shared and discussed. Panoramics encourages interactions that will challenge you to think beyond your comfort zone. Through these dialogues and interactions, we aim to educate and encourage collaborations that will push the boundaries of the spatial and single cell world.
Together, we can re-imagine the way conversations between scientists take place, and build a panorama that goes beyond our collective imaginations.

Panoramics maintains an unbiased stand and will not endorse any particular industry or lab. Thus, we provide a fair platform for both academic and industry players to participate in our events , as well as to contribute events of their own using our banner while maintaining respect for all others.

In 2017, a group of remarkable individuals came together to begin a small slack group called "Toronto scAnalysis Working Group". This pre-pandemic group expanded quickly which resulted in dynamic in-person and virtual interactions and discussions around single cell technologies, with hundreds of members joining from beyond Toronto. Like many organizations and groups, this momentum was severely affected by the pandemic. Post-pandemic, a "focus-group-discussion" was organized to understand how this once striving group could be sparked back to life again.
And finally after months of hard work "Toronto scAnalysis Working Group" was re-branded, re-imagined & re-booted & 'PANORAMICS - A Vision' was born. Panoramics upholds the vision of our pioneers, as well as widening our vista to include the newly emerging field of spatial technologies with single cell technologies from both the wet and dry lab horizons as well as introducing novelty in the way we converse and share knowledge.
The PANORAMICS business card